Monday, October 27, 2008

My morning...

'jacquelyn.... did you know that when you pray your talking to god?'
'that's right sarah, you can talk to him whenever you want to'
'im going to talk to him now... jacquelyn! put your hands like this (folds hands)... he won't listen if you don't do that'
(silent chuckle to myself) 'okay monkey'

'Dear god,
sometimes im sorry but sometimes im not. i like my dolls, and im contented which means im happy because im not sorry because im happy. but sometimes i am. mommy has a baby. it's gracies birthday. i don't want to eat my melon anymore. i want apples...
(now speaking to me) then you have to tell him the end so he stops listening and thats how you pray, okay? okay. i want an apple'

An interesting take on prayer. Which made me think of my prayer life. Lately everything in my life has been go-go-go. i go here, and have to race to the next place, then to the next. That I am rarely making time to work on my prayer life. I mean the real stuff, not the half hearted prayer before you go to sleep or 'dear god please let this light turn green'. So thank you sarah for giving me a bit of a wake up call on how prayer works...


Agnes said...

Yea, you get an intersting take on God with a child in the house. Jared's prayer was "thanks God you make me have skin so I don't have blood".He had scraped his knee was bleeding and asked where it came from so I said God made us first with bones then covered them with muscle,blood and skin so usually we don't see our blood because the skin covers it.

Agnes said...

Jared saw your picture on the blog and said "me yuuuv Jackie"