Sunday, February 1, 2009

No rhyme or reason

This week, Chantels dad passed away. You all probably know this already. Times like these are when it's hard to be away from family. I wish i could be there with my brother and chantel. I wish i could just hug them and do nothing with them. But I am at home in edmonton. I made the choice to move to alberta. I knew these times would be hard but i knew it was worth it. I honestly don't know if i can afford it(time wise) to even come back for the funeral. I'm on a committee for the kids at church and we have this huge event in 2 weekends from now. NExt weekend i have to make 300 cookies for it and i have a wedding to go to. My life is too busy. I need to start saying no to things. I could easily be busy every night of the week(alot of weeks i am!). Oh well i guess i'd rather be busy then bored!

Anyways....that was a very round about way to say that i probably will come home for the funeral, i guess it's more important then cookies right?! Part of me doesn't want to come for it because it'll be a really depressing weekend. but maybe is hould stop being selfish.

so... agnes, i am going to need my waffle and white sauce and mennonite iced tea fix, so expect a call for some good old MJ's with your fav cousin!

Vikki and Jolene - get your butts to steinbach while i'm there

Ang i expect some caperinia's!

On a funnier note.... i still have not learned how to walk, thursday i went to the library and it was glass ice on the sidewalk and i was walking quickly and turned the corner and bailed so incredibly hard and slightly side ways. i don't think anyone saw, but it was funny none the less.

Yesterday it was my girlfriends birthday, and fun was had all around. It's amazing how much fun a few girls can have together just hanging out and playing games. My friend B and I made a cake for the birthday girl and it was pretty much amazing, i'll attatch a picture so you can see my beautiful culinary skills at work.

1 comment:

Agnes said...

Absolutly, waffles and white sauce!! Looking forward to it, even if it will be at a sad time.
