Wednesday, February 11, 2009

this and that

1. I am jealous of a 3 year old. almost everyone who knows me, knows i have wanted ugg boots for years but can't justify them. my boss aimee called me about 30 minutes ago and i just got off the phone with her. she had to tell me about her friend J (a librarian at a school and her husband is a high school teacher) just bought her 3 year old daughter UGG boots for $130!!!!! can you believe that?! I can't even afford them and i'd wear them every day for like 5 years! J also got the most beautiful GIANT metallic/patch work coach bag for chirsitams and i've never seen her in the same outfit twice, everytime we see her she 'just splurged!' Anyways Aimee and i were just shocked and wondering HOW!!! Boy people have different priorites in life, eh??

2. for all those who don't know this (or attend bethesda church...) JESUS IS LOVE. My friend D and I went to bethesda young adults service where the pastor point blank declared jesus doens't just hate sin, he hates those WHO SIN! maybe he was going for shock value, but are you kidding me?! Thats against everything the bible says and everything jesus on earth stood for.

3. On a happier note, our bible study(a dvd series of Pastor Joseph Prince) is going fantastic! He's teaching us how much and how strongly the lord loves us. We can't imagine gods love for us until we realize how much he loved his son jesus. I love that even though i am a sinner, he loves me and isn't going to condemn me for my sin but love me still. Sure we miss out on things when we sin, but because jesus died for me when i sin it goes into a box, and is sealed by grace and blood is sprinkled on top of that box. when god see's his son's blood on my sin he goes past it! How's that for love?!?!

4. This last weekend i went to this amazing wedding where the dads both came up during the ceromony to bless and pray for their children, it was the most amazing thing i'd seen, i loved it and i hope my dad will do that at my wedding. Then on saturday i made 400 cookies, with my team of volunteers! Most where my friends which is great. I have great friends who give up their saturdays to come and bake with me! Then about 15 of us went to see 'he's not that into you' which was a preview of my life! ha. seriously though. Sunday i was in the canada room(for 3 year olds) at my church and then went to R and R's for lunch and a movie. All in all a great weekend!

5. This weekend we have this event called the princess party wherere the girls and dads in our church get all dressed out to celebrate our princesses and have a fun filled evening. the hostesses(me) get dressed up to! I'm excited to see it all play out, i was there last year, but htis year i was on the planning comittee so i'm excited to see my hard work! Pictures to follow!!

6. I am good luck chuck. Anyone see the movie? pretty much, date me and you'll get engaged to the next girl you date. First Nowell to Chelsea, Now angela decided to move to edmonton and get engaged to jonathan this month. Cool eh? godo for them all finding happiness or something mature like that. I decide i'm going to be engaged by december. haha.

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