Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am loved.

We are piggy backing our bible study with the well ladies this year. We're watching a DVD series by Joseph Prince. Boy that man can preach. I honestly feel like my faith has been changed drasticaly in the past 2 months.

I've never felt Gods love like this before. I always knew it was there and i could rely on it, but i'm actually feeling it now. I'm changing my focus from my love for him to his love for me. When I realize how much he loves me, I fall in love with him, and we cannot understand his love for us until we understand his love for christ. Jesus was his one true love, his son, and he sent him for ME. Even if it had just been me, he'd still have sent him. Jesus is the most imprtant thing to god and he sacrificed that for me. He is our love, and we need to feed on him. Take this story for instance, the samarian woman some of you may be familiar with it... Anyways the just of it is jesus and his disciples are travelling and jesus is exhausted and hungry so he waits by this well while his entourage heads out and gets him some food. While he's wiating for them to return, a woman comes to fill her bucket and he fills her with his love and she takes it and goes and tells her village about what just happened. Then his disciples return with food... only jesus doesn't want any now. He's full, he's satisfied. When we take from jesus he is satisfied! We need to be asking or the things we desire and need in faith and with authority. not with 'if's' but with faith in what we are asking and we need to wait for the harvest of waht we ask! Jesus wants to give us good things, it satisfies him just liek it satisfied him at that well 2000 years ago!

Another eye opener is that god doesn't love me for what i do or my services, he loves me jst because i am me, i don't need to earn his love, i need to embrace it and walk in it and know i am his beloved. And nothing i do changes his love for me. just because i sin, get angry or frusturated doesn't mean he's loving on me any less. With that truth i can walk in self esteem and confidence that doesn't come from my profession, my clothes, looks or wealth, i can walk in confidence knowing i am his beloved and a princess to my daddy who rules over this whole world. Pretty neat!

side note- check out the latest of B & J cake designs(ha yes we named ourselves!)


Amy said...

GORGIE JAC! You're a baking goddess!

Amy said...

als you need to check out
shes my new favroite blog friend and i'm prob going to visit her in april in north caorlina! so fun!!!