Pastor Judy, Dion and I were at breakfast one day when the three of us thought up the idea of the 'Young Ladies of the Well'. For those of you who do not attend my church, 'The Well' is the ladies department of my church overseen by Judy Hilsden, and run by Annelise Bronder.
We decided at that breakfast things needed to be changed, and nothing would unless someone stepped up.
I'm now running the Young Ladies of the Well, and we're doing the study on the Book of Daniel by Beth Moore. I heard her studies were great from many ladies in church, as well as some relatives back in Manitoba. I had no idea going in what to expect.
We're now in our third week and I can honestly say my perspective has been drastically changed. I have heard the story of Daniel in the lions den countless times growing up. And the story of his 3 friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, being thrown in the fire. But the words never hit me like they have over the last three weeks.
To feel the fire, to be told bow down or that is your fate immedietly. To speak to the king by only his first name and say NO! To proclaim 'THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN' who will save us, we have nothing to fear. To know that nothing is impossible through God, to have the courage to step up and be tossed into that fire. Now that is integrity. It makes you stop and think where you are in your walk and whether I'd be as strong as they were. I am so thankful for a God in heaven who is the same God that saved them, as he is today. And I can't wait for that day when I get to meet these 4 extrodinary men.
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